Some Phrases for Apologizing, and Ways to Respond to an Apology

Here are some phrases for apologizing with examples:

I’m sorry that…

I’m sorry that I was so rude yesterday.
I’m sorry that I missed your call.

It’s my fault.

I am taking responsibility for the problem.
It’s my fault we missed the deadline.

Oops, sorry.

(for very small problems)
Oops, sorry. I didn’t mean to bump into you.
Oops, sorry. I forgot to bring the papers.

I should have…

I should have called you and told you I’d be late.
I should have double-checked the details.

(formal) I apologize for…

I apologize for the delay.
I apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Here are some ways to respond to an apology:

That’s OK.
It happens.
No problem.
Don’t worry about it.
I forgive you. (for serious problems)


For more phrases and sentences for apologizing and for responding to apologies, read this article.

How to apologize in English.

How to respond to apology in English.


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