Phrases and Expressions to Politely End a Conversation

Phrases and expressions to politely end a conversation -

Ending a conversation politely ensures that you leave on good terms and show respect to the other person. Here are some phrases and expressions to help you do so:

It was nice chatting with you.
Well, it’s getting late.
Anyway, I should get going.
Sorry, but I’m afraid I need to…(formal)
I’m sorry to cut you off, but I actually gotta run.
(cut you off = interrupt you)
I hate to end this, but I have to…
I’ve enjoyed our conversation, but I have to…
I need to head out now.
Let’s catch up again soon.
I’ve got to get back to work.
I have another appointment I need to get to.
It’s been great talking to you.
I should let you go.
Thanks for the chat.
I have to go now, but let’s talk again soon.
I need to wrap this up.
I have to run, but it was nice talking with you.
Sorry, but I need to leave now.
I’m afraid I must be going.
I’ll see you later.
We’ll have to continue this another time.
Let’s pick this up later.
Thanks for your time.
I’m sorry, but I have to attend to something.
I’ve got to make a move.

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