Some Greetings, Asking How Someone is, and Possible Answers

Asking how someone is:

How are you? (Formal or informal, classic greeting)
How's it going? (Casual, widely used)
What's up? (Informal, very common)
How are things? (General inquiry, neutral formality)
How's life? (More personal, casual)
What's new? (Informal, good conversation starter)
Keeping well? (Formal or informal, expresses well-being)
All good with you? (Quick, casual check-in)
You alright? (Informal, can be used for concern)
Crushing it today? (Informal, energetic greeting)
Ready to take on the day? (Energetic greeting, good for mornings)
How's your [current event/project] going? (Shows you're aware of something specific in their life)
Anything I can help you with today? (Combines greeting with offering assistance) 

Different ways to say how you are:


Good, thanks!
I’m fine, thanks. How about you?
Pretty good.
Not bad.
Great, thanks for asking! (Formal or informal)
Couldn’t be better!
Can’t complain. (Informal, implies things are good)
I’ve been busy.
Same as always.
Doing well, how about you? (Friendly)
I'm good! (Informal)
Not much (Typical way to respond to “What’s up?” and “What’s new?”)

Neutral or slightly negative:

Could be better.
Not so great.
I'm hanging in there. (Neutral, implies things are manageable)
I've been better. (Neutral, implies things aren't great but you're okay)
Taking it one day at a time. (Neutral, implies facing challenges but persevering)

More Detailed (depending on closeness):

Busy, but good! (Shows you're productive)
A little tired, but excited about [something positive]. (Shares your feelings)
Feeling overwhelmed, but I'm working through it. (Honest and opens for support)


Surviving! (Lighthearted)
One coffee away from amazing! (Playful)
Don't ask! (Teasing response, best used with close friends)

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